Please take notice that a Public Hearing will be held at the Port Sheldon Township Hall, 16201 Port Sheldon Street, West Olive, Michigan, by the Port Sheldon Township Planning Commission on March 22, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. to hear and consider the following matter(s):
Request from Redstone Land Development LLC for a Planned Unit Development consisting of 12 residential buildings at “0” Stanton St, West Olive, Michigan. Parcel #70-11-01-300-021
Request from 16050 Stanton, LLC for a Special Land Use for a Private Road at “0” Stanton St, West Olive, Michigan. Parcel # 70-11-03-200-017
Request from Bill Monhollon for a Special Land Use for a Private Road at 6184 Lakeshore Dr, West Olive, Michigan. Parcel # 70-11-28-200-045
Any persons interested in these matters may appear at such hearings in person or by agent or attorney. Written comments will be received at the Township Office until the night of the hearing. Copies of the application and other documentation are on file at the township office for public inspection during regular business hours. Direct phone inquiries to the Port Sheldon Township Building and Zoning Administrator at 616-399-6121.
Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Township by calling 616-399-6121.